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Wordpress developer

Wat is Wordpress?

WordPress is a free, open-source platform for creating websites. It is the most commonly used system to build websites and is the underlying system of more than one thirds of all websites on the internet. WordPress is the easiest and most powerful blogging and website builder of that currently exists.

Wordpress Developers | Front-end | Kojac

What does a Wordpress developer do?

On a more technical level; WordPress is a content management system (CMS), written in PHP that makes use of a MySQL database. WordPress is an excellent website platform for a diverse set of website types. From blogging to e-commerce, to business and portfolio websites, WordPress is a suitable CMS. It is designed with a great eye for user friendliness and flexibility, and is therefore suited for both large and smaller websites.
A WordPress developer is concerned with writing plug-ins or themes, and makes sure these components work as one whole. Plug-ins are pieces of software for your website that can add more functions and features. Themes make sure your website looks exactly the way you want it. Where there’s a will, there is a way!

Are you looking for someone who can work with Wordpress?

Een foto van een voorbeeldstudent.
Superhero Akif
Wordpress developer

In daily life, Akif studies Information Technology focusing on software engineering. Next to his studies, Akif has worked as a web developer at multiple companies.

Een foto van een voorbeeldstudent.
Superhero Casper
Wordpress developer

In daily life, Casper is a graduate student Artificial Intelligence at VU Amsterdam. Next to his studies, Casper has worked as a web developer for two years.