At Kojac I gained relevant working experience as a software developer during my studies. "
Naïm Achahboun
Bsc Econometrics and Operational research
Bsc Economics and Business economics

Looking for a fitting job can be a daunting task, especially for a student trying to combine a busy study schedule with part-time work. Sadly, many organisations are not flexible enough to make such a combination a possibility. Since it is run by students, Kojac understands this issue very well."
Msc Embedded Systems, TU Delft

Thanks to Kojac I was able to gain interesting and relevant working experience during my studies. The flexibility from both Kojac and the client made it possible for me to work whenever I had time, but also focus on my studies when I needed.
Ruben van Eldik
Msc Energy Science, Universiteit Utrecht

At Kojac I gained knowledge that I could implement in my studies, in real issues from real companies. I believe that the relevant working experience that I will gain is going to be the stepping stone to a beautiful career.
Caya de Haas
MSc Artificial Intelligence, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam