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Microsoft Power BI developer

Wat is Microsoft Power BI?

Microsoft's Power BI is not so much a programming language, but has more to do with a collection of software services, apps and connectors. These various components work together to transform unrelated data into coherent, visually immersive and interactive insights. Data can be an Excel spreadsheet or a collection of hybrid data in the cloud and/or on premises. With Power BI it is easy to connect data, visualize it and discover what is important. A Power BI superhero can effortlessly integrate all your data into Power BI and generate valuable insights. Power BI also has a number of APIs that can be used to push new data to datasets, or to build dashboards and reports into your own custom applications or programs.

Microsoft Power BI Developer | Data Science | Kojac

What does a Microsoft Power BI developer do?

A Microsoft Power BI developer builds dashboard to retrieve insights from all sorts of data. A power BI developer can work for small and large companies. For large companies the developer can use data from a data lake to do for example large scale demand forecasting. For small companies the Power BI developer can create dashboards using data stored in a regular CSV file. Power BI developers are proficient in SQL and Data Analysis Expressions (DAX).

Are you looking for someone who can work with Microsoft Power BI?

Een foto van een voorbeeldstudent.
Superhero Julian
Microsoft Power BI developer

In daily life, he is a graduate student Artificial Intelligence at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He aspires to start his own start-up later.

Een foto van een voorbeeldstudent.
Superhero Rick
Microsoft Power BI developer

In daily life, he studies Technische Bestuurskunde at TU Delft and has found all shortcuts in Excel through his multiple prior jobs.